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Early Childhood Goals

House Bill 3 directs districts to develop and implement an early childhood long range plan. Judson has reviewed our data, identified growth targets for both reading and math, and developed a district wide plan to help our students achieve a new level of academic success.  Our plan, in conjunction with professional development in the science of reading, will benefit our students for years to come.  Below are the Judson ISD board adopted early childhood goals for reading and math.

Early Literacy Board Goals 

  • K-2 grade teachers will directly instruct the daily phonics lesson plans provided in the curricular documents.
  • K-2 grade teachers will implement the daily blending routine.
  • PK-2 grade teachers will provide small group lessons as indicated by their grade specific assessment tool.
  • K-1 grade teachers will provide students with decodable text when students are applying newly instructed phonics skills.
  • K-3 teachers will follow the ELAR district framework.

Early Numeracy Board Goals 

  • Provide instruction along a continuum from Concrete to Representational to Abstract.
  • Use manipulatives at all grade levels when new content is introduced.
  • Use the math framework components to provide structure, stability, and consistency.
  • Provide targeted instruction in numeracy and place value.
  • Provide small group instruction as a means to differentiate content, process, and/or product.